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A guest article by Liam Gilfellon, Director of Relationships here at Everyturn Mental Health. Liam chats us through some of the research projects we're involved in to improve the care we and other organisations provide for the people we support.

Between our colleagues, the people we support, and our community partners, there’s a huge amount of expertise, experience, and knowledge at Everyturn Mental Health!

We’re keen to use this knowledge to understand, inform, and improve the care we (and organisations like us) provide in the future. 

For that reason, we really value research. There’s power in sharing compelling stories that give real evidence about what works and what our communities need in the future.

I’m delighted to represent Everyturn in various national and local research programmes, whether we’re a lead, co-applicant, or contributor.  

We’ve partnered with various academic research institutes; mental health and acute NHS Trusts; local authorities; and other voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations, to learn from the expertise of people working in and being supported by our health and care systems. 

We’re excited to continue taking part in research, to support the improvement of our health and care system.

Research projects we’re involved in

  • Northumbria University is working with people who have experienced mental health issues to develop a decision-making tool, designed to help people find digital mental health support. 
  • Newcastle University is leading a bid to the National Institute for Health and Care Research to reduce mental health inequalities by growing the capacity to deliver more research to reduces the high mental health needs in the North East and North Cumbria.
  • Manchester University is delivering a national evaluation of the roll-out of the NHS Improvement social prescribing link work programme into Primary Care Networks across the UK. Everyturn is a core member of the research and we have helped the research in coordinating three providers to take part in the research interviews.
  • London School of Economics and Manchester University is developing research projects that support best practice and innovative ways of working. These projects will link to health, social care, and VCSE providers to develop projects that take a person-centred approach to supporting people with mental health challenges.
  • Newcastle University is exploring the impact of the term ‘severe mental illness’, which is commonly used in the health and care system, and how it can impact the care people with mental health issues are offered. 

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