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Delivering the future of Everyturn

After two years of our ‘Shaping Our Future’ Strategy, it’s helped us transform the organisation and lay the groundwork for the next steps of our journey.

As we move into the next phase of delivering our future, this strategy will take us to 2026, focusing on eight strategic objectives. Let’s take a look!

Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)

We will deliver our three-year equity, diversity and inclusion strategy, to make EDI central to our culture.


We will become a leader in sustainable practice within healthcare, and will move towards net zero.


We will deliver a three-year people strategy to transform the way we work with our colleagues and service users.


We will deliver our digital strategy to transform our organisation with a focus on technology and a digital culture.


We will deliver a new programme of clinical, corporate and information governance across the organisation so that we can deliver operational and clinical excellence.

Recovery Framework

We will develop a standardised organizational-wide recovery focused approach.

Proposition development

We will deliver a three-year programme of proposition developments for all our services to stay at the forefront of healthcare delivery.


We will continue to deliver the three year business plan with a focus on revenue diversification into new delivery propositions and markets.


A focus on sustainability

We’re committed to doing all we can to tackle the climate and nature crisis, for the benefit of the people we support, our colleagues, and our communities. 

We’ve evolved our strategic pillar of ‘social value’ to ‘sustainability’ to reflect our approach of delivering social value and a positive environmental impact in everything we do. 

Working together

We’re so proud to be a specialist, non-profit partner to the NHS. As we look to the future, we’re embracing the changing landscape of community mental health care. By joining up our services internally, creating new partnerships, and innovating to close gaps in the system, we’re delivering on our purpose. 

To make sure no one struggles alone.

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