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We’re so proud to lead Moving On Tyne & Wear (MOTW), an amazing employability programme that helps people with a health barrier, disability, additional learning need, or autism, to get into employment, training, or volunteering. 

MOTW regularly works alongside local employers, to help them address any barriers that people may face when applying for their roles. By hosting this free training, MOTW has been able to connect with lots of new employers, meaning they are able to reach even more people and help more autistic people reach their career goals and fulfil their potential. 

The training allows employers to ask questions in a safe environment and give the MOTW team a chance to dispel any myths or misconceptions about autism. Through the training sessions, John can also explore any support that MOTW can put in place to help autistic people work to their full potential.   

John explains: “I’ve got about 20 years of experience working with people who are autistic and I’m absolutely passionate about helping people reach their full potential. The figures around autism and unemployment are startling – the national average for unemployment is around 4-5% of the adult population, but a huge 68% of adults with autism are unemployed. I want to help bring this number down and enable more autistic people get into work, by helping employers to create a supportive and inclusive environment.  

So far, the feedback has been really positive. Some of the employers we have been supporting have even explained that the training has helped them to better understand their friends and family who have been diagnosed with autism. If even just one person’s mindset is changed for the better, then I’ll be happy.”

MOTW are inviting colleagues from any business across Tyne & Wear to attend the free training, up to two staff members per organisation can attend which could include business leaders or HR colleagues. John is also able to host a larger bespoke training session for up to 25 colleagues.  

Find out more and sign up here.

Moving On Tyne & Wear is funded by the European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund and is part of the Building Better Opportunities Initiative.


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