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The last few months have been so challenging, in so many different ways. The pandemic has sharpened our focus on physical health and we’re all taking much more notice of how our bodies are feeling, but it’s also more important than ever to make time for our mental wellbeing.

World Mental Health Day is a great opportunity to take stock of our mental health. How are you really feeling? What lifts your spirits? What can you plan into your schedule to care for your mental health in the weeks and months ahead?

The ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing‘ give a useful framework for ideas:

  • Connect with others – call rather than email, have a virtual cuppa with a friend, arrange a Zoom pub quiz.
  • Get active – take a stroll in a local park or green space, get a breath of fresh air on your lunch break.
  • Take notice and be in the present – enjoy the changing seasons, have a decluttering day, give a free meditation app a try.
  • Learn – start a new book, do a crossword, research something that interests you.
  • Give – do something kind for a friend or stranger, thank someone, support a cause you care about.

Get more support

Of course, we all go through ups and downs, but sometimes our troubles start to affect our day-to-day life and we feel that we can’t cope. If this is you, you’re certainly not alone. Our IAPT talking therapies, provided on behalf of the NHS, can help you to talk through your feelings and find ways to manage better.

Our services are open throughout the pandemic, with COVID-19 safety measures in place, and we’re taking new referrals. If you’d like to arrange an appointment, you can self-refer using our online form.

Take 10 Challenge

Our parent charity, Everyturn Mental Health, has launched an inspiring campaign that is taking place throughout October – it’s called the Take 10 Challenge.

We’re encouraging people to share 10-second videos of whatever makes them feel good and increases their wellbeing. Perhaps a favourite walk in a local park, baking a lockdown masterpiece, performing a favourite song, going for a run, or playing with a beloved pet.

All you need to do is:

1. Share a 10-second video of you doing something that makes you feel good – make sure you use the hashtags #Take10ForMentalHealth and #Take10Challenge
2. Donate £10 (or anything you can) to Everyturn Mental Health on JustGiving
3. Nominate a friend (or 10!)

Visit to find out more.

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