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We are delighted to announce the launch of a new National Team, providing clinical and administration support to Insight’s services throughout the country. The national team started this month with a core of experienced colleagues, and is expected to grow from these beginnings in the coming months.

Under the guidance of Mohammed Munawar, Insight’s Principal Clinical Lead, the National Team will be developing Insight’s clinical capacity to include a number of specialisms aligned to the needs of particular user groups served by our organisation; whether involving modality- or technology-led, or ‘champion’ roles. The team will then support services by providing additional capacity to deliver telephone-based interventions in appropriate cases, disseminating learning and resources throughout Insight, whilst also developing our CPD offer to staff.

The National Team will give Insight a new ability to provide commissioners and service users with ever greater flexibility and responsiveness when we are called upon to undertake waiting list initiatives, quick mobilisation of new services, or to manage spikes in referral volumes. This is expected to be particularly valuable for our Any Qualified Provider (AQP) services, where referral volumes often vary greatly from month to month, and where we need to be able to respond to this quickly without negatively impacting the waiting times for our service users.

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