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We are proud to lead Moving On Tyne & Wear (MOTW), an employability programme that works with unemployed adults across Tyne & Wear who have a physical and / or mental health barrier that they feel is keeping them from employment.

Since 2017, MOTW has been helping people address their health barriers and move towards and into training, education, employment, self-employment, or job searching.

To date, over 2,600 people have been supported by MOTW! Of these, 533 have moved into education or training, 386 have moved into employment or self-employment, and 208 have been supported to job search independently.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many more people have been having money worries. As well as this, the recent removal of the Universal Credit uplift has caused more uncertainty. Now more than ever, the support MOTW provides has a huge impact on people’s lives.

To help the team to team to keep up with increased demand, MOTW commissioned Financial Capability support between November 2020-October 2021. This Financial Capability support helped the team provide services such as budgeting and financial planning advice; debt advice; and benefits advice around Universal Credit, PIP, and housing support.

However, this contract has now come to an end and MOTW are commissioning a new financial capability contract.

Download the invitation to tender document

If you provide Financial Capability support, the MOTW team would love to hear from you! Contact to submit your bid by 5.00pm on Friday 3 December 2021.

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