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The last year has been unlike anything any of us have ever experienced. The Covid-19 pandemic has left its mark on our national physical heath, economy and – of course – our mental health.

We are delighted that the Government has recognised the central importance of recovering our mental wellness, by backing the Mental Health Recovery Action Plan with £500m funding to help support people with mental health difficulties.

Under the plan, NHS talking therapy services like ours will be expanded, with an additional £38 million of funding across the country. In 2021/22 alone, IAPT services are expecting to support 1.6 million people.

Additional therapists are also set to be trained to support people with more complex mental health needs, as a result of the pandemic.

There is no true recovery from this pandemic without a mental health recovery, so this £500m investment in the country’s wellbeing will be key to ensuring that everyone gets the support they need to get back on their feet.

If you have been feeling low, anxious, or stressed – we’re here to help you. You can refer yourself into our service, without having to go through your GP. Click here to get support.

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