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Today is Time to Talk Day! This year’s theme is the power of small conversations to make a big difference to our mental health and wellbeing.

We did a call-out to our colleagues across Concern Group, asking them to share the small conversations that have meant a lot to them – we’d like to share some of them with you!

“Their support and encouragement has allowed me to remember why I came into nursing”

“I just thought I would share my experience of returning to work after retirement due to the Covid pandemic.

I had been retired for nearly five years and was very willing to help, though extremely anxious. My previous NHS job was in management, so I had very out of date skills at the clinical level.

I have to say that the support and encouragement from all the team at Pinetree Lodge has been second to none. I could tell you 100 stories about how they gave me up to date advice and help just when I needed it. When I have made an error I have been supported through the process. The welcome I have received has been fantastic .

When I retired, I was burnt out and did not have many good memories of the last five years, due to the pressure of my job. So the staff at Pinetree have allowed me to remember why I came into nursing and what team work is.”

— Julie, Staff Nurse

He’ll always find time to ask ‘How are you feeling today? Is there anything you need me to do?’”

“I’ve been lucky enough to spend lockdown with my best friend, my husband Phil.

As we muddle our way through homeschooling and homeworking he always manages to make me laugh, but more importantly he’ll always find time to ask ‘How are you feeling today? Is there anything you need me to do?’

And that’s what’s made all the difference to me.”

— Carolyn, Marketing and Communications Lead for Moving On Tyne & Wear

“It was a really kind gesture and it made me feel like I was being thought of.”

This video is from Kate, our Marketing and Communications Lead:


“I got the most beautiful message and had a lovely conversation with my little brother.”

This video is from Liam Gilfellon, our Director of Business Development and Relationships


“Just listen to what I said again, in the tone of somebody that loves you.”

This video is from Scott Vigurs, our Chief Operations Officer


“She looked me in the eye and just said: ‘That is not okay'”

This video is from Liz, a CBT therapist from our sister organisation, Everyturn Mental Health

We can see from these examples that even just a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference.

We know that the more conversations we have, the more myths we can bust and barriers we can break down, helping to end the isolation, shame and worthlessness that too many of us with mental health problems are made to feel.

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