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Get Urgent Help

The event is free to anyone living in Derbyshire who is at risk of developing diabetes, who has recently been diagnosed, or who would like to find out about reducing their risk of developing diabetes.

This virtual event will take place on Wednesday 30 June from 2.00-4.00pm. You can book your place via Eventbrite: Diabetes Prevention and Awareness | EventBrite.

There will be a series of presentations from local services which will highlight:

  • The risks of diabetes.
  • The “4 Ts” to be aware of, as a guide to when to ask for help from your GP.
  • The psychological impact of being diagnosed with diabetes, and how you can get support from local talking therapy services.

Everyone who attends will receive a free e-toolkit, containing all the information from the presentations.

Our previous events had over 100 attendees and we received very positive feedback.

Found it very useful and we are planning more similar events in the future. Events like this will help people to understand the nature of illness.

Joining us to host this event are:

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