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Yesterday night, our CEO, Brendan Hill, took part in the Newcastle CEO Sleepout alongside over 70 other CEOs and business leaders from across the region, raising funds and awareness about homelessness in Tyneside. Brendan raised over £1,200, an excellent result!

Mental health problems affect the vast majority of homeless people; at Concern Group we regularly work with clients who are, or have been, homeless and are experiencing mental ill-health. Here are some telling statistics[1] that Brendan wanted to raise awareness of:

  • 72% of homeless people have one or more mental health need
  • 45% of homeless people have one or more long-term mental health need
  • 35% of homeless people with a mental health need said that they would like more support with their mental health
  • 60% of people in homelessness services have been affected by complex trauma or personality disorder
  • 44% of homeless people with a mental health problem said they self-medicate with drugs or alcohol
  • 14% of homeless people self-harm, compared with 4% of the population
  • Only 10% of homeless people have additional support from mental health services

Here are his tweets from the night:

Brendan would like to thank his Concern Group colleagues, friends, and corporate supporters for sponsoring him. Corporate sponsors were:

  • Cintra
  • Bluefin
  • Cargo Creative
  • Ogilvie
  • PGS Law
  • Muckle
  • RSM
  • Davison Blackett

Congratulations to Brendan and everyone else who took part!

[1] Homeless Link, ‘Mental Health and Wellbeing Guide’, 2011.

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