Do you have a crisis plan? If so we would advise you to use this.
If you don’t have a crisis plan and you feel at risk of harming yourself, or can’t keep yourself safe, please contact one of the organisations below for immediate support.
NHS mental health crisis team
Call your local NHS mental health crisis team for 24/7 support.
Find your local number
NHS 111
Call NHS 111 and choose option 2 if you are in a mental health crisis.
Visit website
Emergency 999
Call 999 or visit your nearest A&E department if you or anyone else is in immediate danger of harm.
Visit website
Call the Samaritans for free on 116 123 (24/7).
Visit website
Text SHOUT to 85258 for free support via text message (24/7).
Visit website
Everyturn Mental Health is the trading name of Everyturn a registered charity (charity number 519332) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 02073465) and Everyturn Services Ltd, company registered in England & Wales (company number 4391008).
© Everyturn Mental Health. All rights reserved.
Everyturn Referral Assistant