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We provide nursing care for older people with complex dementia or mental health conditions, whose needs cannot be met in less intensive services.

To do this, we employ specialist mental health nurses with expertise in dementia care and supportive rehabilitation to lead these services. We take pride in our colleagues, who deliver person-centred care to the highest standards.

People using our services have complex needs and require ongoing, skilled, nursing care that care is provided in small, domestically-equipped environments. We have a focus on ordinary needs as well as mental health and medical needs.

The provision of social and fulfilment opportunities, such as:

  • Promoting effective communication with others.
  • Maintaining links with the local community.
  • Preserving family and other relationships.
  • Meaningful activities.

The provision of psychological care:

  • Interpreting and meeting needs that can be expressed through challenging behaviours.
  • Validation of life experience.

The provision of physical care:

  • Therapeutic risk taking to promote and maintain living skills.
  • Help with all aspects of personal care including dietary, continence, hygiene, and mobility needs.

Payment for our services

Our beds can be purchased under a block or spot arrangement. The spot purchase price is slightly higher than the block price, due to an assumption of unfilled capacity. Our prices are fixed, no matter where the resident has come from.

Occassionally, for complex cases, we may discuss supplementary fees.

With our staffing model and team capability, we rarely rely on 1:1 support for individuals. In fact, we regularly care for people who have been on 1:1 or 2:1 care in previous homes, and within a matter of weeks with us, that is no longer necessary.

How to refer someone to us

To refer to Everyturn Mental Health’s 24 hour nursing services, please send an email to or call 0191 414 8374.

Our Accreditations

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