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A recent report from the NationalHousingFederation (NHF) showed that:

  • People waiting for supported housing was the single biggest reason people were not being discharged from mental health hospitals 
  • 17% of these discharge delays were down to lack of supported housing for patients to move into  
  • Accommodation shortages caused 109,000 days of delayed discharge in 2023-24  
  • The number of people waiting in hospital as a result of housing-related issues has more than tripled since 2021.

Liam Gilfellon, Director of Relationships at Everyturn Mental Health, commented:  

“This report emphasises how important it for the statutory and VCSE sectors to work together create the services people need as they move out of hospital and into the community.  

“We’re proud to partner with the NHS to provide hospital step-down services that bridge the gap between hospital and community living. Bringing people closer to their friends, families, and communities is something we should be striving for. 

“By working together to get these services right, we’ll create a much better experience for people recovering from mental ill-health, ease pressure on hospital capacity, and ultimately save the NHS money by giving people the appropriate level of care and support.” 

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